Thursday, December 26, 2019

personal and professional development - 4619 Words

REGENT COLLEGE BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Assignment Brief Unit Number: 13 Unit Title: Personal and Professional Development BTEC Higher National Diploma in Business Unit 13: Personal and Profesional Devlopment Assignment Cover Sheet Assignment No: 1 and 2 ............................................. I hereby confirm that this assignment is my own work. I have identified and acknowledged all sources used in this assignment and have referenced according to the Harvard referencing system. I have read and understood the Plagiarism and Collusion section provided with the assignment brief and understood the consequences of†¦show more content†¦Next paragraphs will describe the work based problems for achieving the goal, learning styles that can be implemented to solve this problem, time management strategy plus which one is the most suited strategy, and the evaluation of the benefits of self managed learning to the individual and to the organisation. What is work based learning? Identify and briefly explain the problems associated with it Explain 1 problem in detail that is going to affect you the most 1.2. LEARNING STYLES For the beginning, the most important problem that can be identified when deciding to be a solicitor is learning how to take the rejections. The experimental Learning Theory of Kolb emphasizes direct experiences, including cognitive, emotional and environmental factors that are present or influence the learning process. It incorporates four models of learning: activist, pragmatist, theorist and reflector. These four stages learning cycle shows that experience is transformed through reflection in concept. For solving this problem, a mixture between all these kind of learner can help very well. The first one, activist is where the learner wants to plan how to try a model or theory for the forthcoming experience. The pragmatist is where the learner is doing the experience in an activity such as lab session or any other field work. The theorist, when learner attempts to conceptualize the theory or the model about the observed thing.Show MoreRelatedPersonal and professional development2710 Words   |  11 Pagesï » ¿Personal and Professional Development TASK 1 1.1: Evaluation of approaches to self-managed training. Self managed training is a when an individual plans, executes and evaluates his or her own learning. The learner is in control of when learning can happen, the duration and the learning experience or outcome. It is important to always review and adapt your training plan. It is unproductive to remain rigid with the plan, and allowing adaptations will improve its applicability and suitabilityRead MorePersonal Statement : Personal Professional Development1250 Words   |  5 Pages) Personal Statement Personal professional development is important process these days because it enables people to become more aware of their own skills, knowledge and behaviors . This in turn is necessary for the self-improvement which is crucial to people in order to for example getting promoted at work as the market becomes more competitive . Back in College, during my HND in Business Course one of the subjects was Personal Development. Now I know that without this experience I would not be ableRead MoreProfessional And Personal Development Plan810 Words   |  4 Pages Professional Personal Development Plan Hiqmat. D. 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Although my professional development started as a different career in Special Education the two careers’ professional development is similar in terms of dispositions and some skills as well. The dispositions would include social responsibility, work ethic, and reflective practices. Similar skills are collaboration, research and evaluation, and assessment. Hence, my professional development is a lifelong process that took some twist and turns. My professional development start with me pursuingRead MorePersonal and professional development Essay3110 Words   |  13 Pages Level 4 Diploma in Business and Professional Administration Unit 403 – PPD1 Personal and professional development Contents 1. Introduction Page 3 2. LO1 – How to plan for personal and professional development Page 4 3. LO2 – How people learn Page 7 4. Conclusion Page 8 5. Appendix Page 9 6. 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Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Psychoanalysis And Marxism And 1984 - 2034 Words

Psychoanalysis, Marxism, and 1984 Applying modern theoretical lenses to historic works can lead to an alternate understanding of a text - perhaps one the author did not intend. Novels, like George Orwell’s 1984, can be analyzed through multiple lenses. The strongest analysis, however, can be conducted through the lenses of Marxism and psychoanalysis. Through these complementary lenses, readers gain an understanding of social constructs (Marxism) and the effects of these constructs on human behavior (psychoanalysis). Relating these lenses, then, to the life of Orwell’s Winston Smith, readers can assess his place in society and understand how his role in the re-writing of history affected his life. Marxist theory is based upon the†¦show more content†¦Fear of this all powerful government, after having seen what the likes of Stalin, Mussolini, and Hitler were doing to the world, 1984 can be read as a warning about what society can evolve into if we allow it. Every society already contains a social hierarchy, allowing it to function and grow. How difficult would it be to take over this structure and bend it to new, nefarious needs? Isaac Asimov, celebrated science fiction author, reviewed 1984 for the New Worker publication. In the review, Asimov explored the governmental structure of the story. Orwell presents Big Brother as immortal, but has also given two ways to maintain â€Å"eternal tyranny† (Asimov 6). Asimov points out that in Orwell’s world, Goldstein was created as a universal symbol of hate. This universal symbol was a way to a way to control and â€Å"robotize† the masses. Asimov goes on to note that this is nothing new and that â€Å"every nation in the world has used various neighbours for the purpose of hate† (Asimov 6). He also points out that in order to maintain control, the government must rewrite history and makes that statement, â€Å"No one will check the lie against the facts, and, if they do, they will disbelieve the facts† (Asimov 6). People, in general, will believe what those in power say as long as it fits their own wants and needs. Machiavelli stated, â€Å"Men are so simple and so much inclined to obey immediate needs that a deceiver will never lack victims for his deception†Show MoreRelatedCriticism of Freudianism as Unscientific2247 Words   |  9 Pagesï » ¿Sigmund Freud and his critics: Criticism of Freudianism as unscientific Sigmund Freud today is honored as the founder of modern psychoanalysis. His concept of the human psyche has been used to analyze everything from individual psychologies to the structure of Hamlet. But although Freud is often parodied, cited, and imitated in popular literature, his theories have fallen out of favor in the academic discipline of psychology he was so influential in founding. Courses in psychology devote a paucityRead MoreTaking a Look at Sexual Education2416 Words   |  10 Pagesto better understand the case of sexual education, it is important to review the development of the concepts sex and sexuality within the social sciences and humanities. For centuries, sexuality has been silenced â€Å"product of human activity† (Rubin, 1984, p.143). However, the XX and XXI centuries have become the periods of sexual revolutions, when sexuality has been transformed from private sphere to the public one. It has become the part of the modern art, has started to be regarded as a politicalRead MoreChristian Ethics in a Postmodern World Essay example6531 Words   |  27 Pagesin ‘inderterminancy’. French sociologist Jean-Franà §ois Lyotard understands postmodern as the deconstruction of the meta-narratives of the techno-scientism and the capitalism of the modern society because of the â€Å"incredulity toward metanarratives† (1984: xxiv). Paolo Portoghesi (1983) warns us not to treat ‘postmodern’ as a label designating homogeneous and convergent things but rather lumping together different things (including returning to historical and classical tradition) which arise from aRead MoreThe Sociology Of Health And Mental Illness3181 Words   |  13 Pagespractice have used Foucault to examine such themes as treating the ‘whole-patient’ — the proclaimed return of holistic medicine (Arney, 1984), which can be seen as a refocusing of the medical gaze (Nettleton, 2006). Likewise, Foucauldian analyses of terms such as patient-centredness (Mayes, 2008), or patient participation, empowerment and the patient narrative (Armstrong, 1984; Salmon Hall, 2003) have also been conducted. Despite its far-reaching influence, discourse analysis was not the last thing FoucaultRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagestextbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book is accessible, well researched and readers are encouraged to view chapters as a starting point for getting to grips with the field of organization theory. Dr Martin Brigham, Lancaster University, UK McAuley et

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Kubrick Lives Essay Example For Students

Kubrick Lives Essay Kubrick LivesThe theory of authorship as applied to film directors is a subject that is argued extensively throughout the film world. The auteur theory was first introduced in the French film journal Cahiers du Cinema. Andrew Sarris who suggested that there are a group of filmmakers who fit into this category brought the theory to America. It states that in order for a director to be considered an auteur, there must be a consistency of style and theme across a number of films. Very few contemporary filmmakers fit into this category. One filmmaker, however, expanded his filmography over four and a half decades, and created a consistent theme and style. That director was Stanley Kubrick. Kubrick was known as a very stylistic filmmaker, so a lot can be said about his film style. His use of music, however, remains the most prominent aspect of Kubricks film style, especially as his career progressed. He was a master at using music to evoke feelings and create tension and confusion. The two most prominent examples of the power of music occur in A Clockwork Orange, and 2001: A Space Odyssey. The first of these two films, 2001, was created like a symphony. It had an overture at the beginning, a musical intermission, and an epilogue at the end. The classical work of Richard Strauss, Also Spach Zarathustra, supplies the most recognizable and moving main title theme of the film. The use of this music as well as other classical works including the frolicky Blue Danube by Johann Strauss gives the film a flowing quality that it wouldnt normally have. Most of the music is light in nature, which contradicts the mystery that is unfolding in space. The beautiful imagery is matched w ell with the images and the editing to provide an incredible viewing experience. In A Clockwork Orange, Kubrick does virtually the same thing with music, only in a darker way. In the film, Alex is given a treatment that will make him ill when confronted with violence or sex. Unfortunately for him, the films he is forced to watch are scored with Beethovens Ninth Symphony, which is Alexs favorite music. A sense of irony and empathy is created in that by Alex trying to take the easy way out, he is forced to give up the three things he loves most: sex, violence, and Beethoven. His love of music backfires on him once again with his crooning of the song Singin in the Rain. In one of his violent attacks he sings that song throughout the scene. Ironically, this same victim brings him in later in a time of need. He gives himself away by singing in the bathtub. Both of these films use popular music in unconventional ways, and this can be traced to other Kubrick films as well. Lolita and Dr. S trangelove are the most noteworthy. Along with a distinctive style, Kubrick films tend to have some very definitive themes going on within them. One of the most prominent themes is his treatment of the protagonist. In conventional filmmaking, the protagonist tends to be the good guy. In Kubricks films, however, the main characters (always male) tend to be not very likeable. This theme can be seen in virtually every Kubrick film. In The Killing, the ensemble cast of characters is planning a heist, each with their own agenda. In Lolita, Humbert Humbert is an English gentleman, oh and also a pedophile. A Clockwork Oranges Alex is a young, violent, uncaring product of society. The thing that Kubrick does, however, is play with the audiences morals and emotions. He attempts, sometimes successfully, to get you to empathize and sympathize with these miscreants of society. We feel sorry at some point for poor Humbert as his Lolita, the love of his life, is taken away from him. And Alex, poor Alex, he is a victim of the system and is ruined by the unorthodox treatment. We eventually come to our senses, but for a brief moment or longer, we become victims of Kubricks manipulative filmmaking power. .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c , .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .postImageUrl , .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c , .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:hover , .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:visited , .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:active { border:0!important; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:active , .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u84267b4b1b7904705b7ce3247f18805c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Lora EssayAnother theme that creates a thread throughout his body of work is the duality of self. Often, Kubricks protagonists are faced with incredible conflicts within themselves. They encounter

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Plastic Surgery Essays - Plastic Surgery, Ancient Egyptian Medicine

Plastic Surgery Plastic Surgery People today are not satisfied with their physical appearance. Whether it is their weight, breasts, facial structure, or buttocks, there is always something they wish was different. As a result of this, many people turn to make-up or push-up bras. Some think that a different route is easier, plastic surgery. A study done by the International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons shows that, in 2011, 15 million people across the globe turned to plastic surgery to enhance their looks (Bates). Although many people turn to plastic surgery for better physical appearance, it is not the right decision a person wants to take. Plastic surgery costs a fortune and its an addiction, causes illnesses and possibly death, and it is a slow healing process. Plastic surgery deals with the repair, reconstruction, or replacement of physical defects of form or function involving the skin, musculoskeletal system, hand, extremities, breast and trunk, external genitalia or cosmetic enhancement of these areas of the body(Kita). It might look all too nice to get a plastic surgery done and changing the form or appearance of your body part for ever, its procedures usually cost a lot of money to get it done, so its not something that everyone can have, Its usage is limited to those belonging to the high echelons of the society. Furthermore, plastic surgery has the potential to become an addiction. Some people who undergo it become attracted with the outcome and look forward to a change in each and every part of their body. As such, plastic surgery becomes an obsession for them, rather than just a means of modifying a body part. When someone does unnecessary plastic surgery they begin to look abnormal which then leads to addiction. The case of 'revi sion' i.e. getting back the old look has become a common phenomenon in the present times. This is mainly because the result of the plastic surgery might not turn according to your desires. As a result, more and more patients are undergoing revision, after the surgery, to get back their original look. ...Some people suffer from a condition known as body dysmorphic disorder. Persons with this condition can be extremely good-looking, but view themselves as ugly. They equate happiness with beauty. Thus, to achieve a happy state, they undergo repeated cosmetic surgeries. Unfortunately, people with this disorder are never satisfied with their appearance(Higuera). Death can be caused by plastic surgery. There are many risks to be aware of like infection, nerve damage, scarring, and many more. Many celebrities have died from plastic surgery. Though rare, possibility of death cannot be ruled out during plastic surgery. The surgical process involves usage of chemicals and equipments that are not suitable for a persons body. Excessive bleeding, heart attack or even a drop in blood pressure, while the surgery is going on, are some of the things that might lead to death of the patient. All surgeries carry a risk of infection. In some cases, nerves may be damaged or severed during any surgical procedure. The result is more obvious, however, if it is a facial nerve. When those nerves are injured, the outcome can be the inability to make facial expressions or drooping of the eyes (ptosis) or mouth. Scarring is one of the greatest risks to achieving an attractive outcome, scarring is not always predictable, but can be controlled in most cases. Scarring is a possible disadvantage of plastic surgery. These scars are thick and red, they usually dont fade like most surgical scarring. Bruising and swelling for a period of time after the surgery are often difficult to hide, especially when the work was done on the face. A hematoma is a collection of blood outside of a blood can develop after surgery, this typically results in an area being swollen and bruised in appearance, with a pocket of blood beneath. In some cases, this is minor, but a hematoma can be large enough to cause pain and even decrease blood flow through the area. In the case of a large hematoma, the surgeon may choose to remove some of the collected blood with a syringe or other similar method. The site of hematoma can present a firm

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Drinks2U Assignment 3 Essay

Drinks2U Assignment 3 Essay Drinks2U Assignment 3 Essay Part C: You’re Marketing Plan Kenneth Agbatutu Dr. William Creamer Marketing Management (MKT 500) Monday August 25, 2014 Executive Summary Have you ever wished that you could have alcoholic drinks delivered to you instead of going out to go buy it? If you have, then Drinks2U provides the convenience of receiving your alcoholic beverages by simply making a phone call. We will deliver to your address and enable you to drink comfortably from the safety of your home. Drinks2U was created to make delivering alcohol to your front door as simple as ordering a pizza. The alcoholic beverages would be at state minimum prices and there would be a flat rate delivery fee. Safety measures have been developed and age verification is one of the business’s primary focuses. The sales of Drinks2U are expected to increase rapidly from advertising and word of mouth on social media. Creating a brand is creating the culture of the product. In order, to become a successful business it is important that the company build valued relationships with its customers. Drinks2U helps customers not waste their time by go ing out to get drinks when they can just call to have them delivered. Time is valuable and when you have delivery services for so many others things such as food and clothes why not have it for your alcohol as well. Branding/Pricing/ Distribution Strategy Branding, pricing, and distribution are very important parts of a strategic marketing plan in developing you company. The purpose of marketing plan is to help a company make as much profit as they can each year. The marketing strategy can always change and will never stay the same. Drinks2U branding strategy will be to establish an identity that is easily relatable. The brand of Drink2U is young, hip and just the mention of Drink2U evokes a certain connation. Creating a brand is important in creating the culture of the product. Branding will be done through cultural promotion. The slogan of Drinks2U would â€Å"Out of drinks and want to keep the party going, Call Drinks2U and will be there in no time with the alcohol showing†. The logo would consist of an employee on a bike with drinks in the cart. The distribution strategy would be for Drinks2U to be marketed in states where there are fewer restrictions on the sales of alcohol p rimarily in California. Holidays and special events tend to dictate the sales of alcohol. Over the next five years, Drinks2U seeks to expand distribution throughout the United States and also partner with ABC stores. In partnering with ABC stores, Drinks2U would provide the delivery service to their clients’ thus increasing revenue. . In developing a market strategy a specific demographic will need to be targeted. Drinks2U target audience will be 21 and up. The marketing strategy will focus on young men. Research shows that men age 18 to 49 drink the most and a survey reports that 55 percent of men prefer beer, 21 percent favor liquor and 20 percent favor wine (Berman, 2013). According to the Beer Institute, the trade organization for the U.S. malt beverage industry, New Hampshire leads the country in beer consumption per capita, followed by North Dakota, Montana, South Dakota and Wisconsin (Berman, 2013). Customers of Drinks2U will more than likely submit orders i n the late afternoon, evening, and late night. Drink2U will be marketed by utilizing ads, commercials and other social avenues. Marketing Strategy 1. Research Industry a. Determine what products we will market b. Determine who I will market too c. Determine Income Objectives 2. Build Awareness a. How will I market Product Drinks2U prices their products with the client in mind. Drinks2U wants to provide a reasonable price to the customer while still making a profit. Value pricing is practiced so that customers are retained. The changing cost in alcohol will determine the delivery fee for the product. Drinks2U recognizes the fact that customers are

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Strategic Role of Human Resources

Strategic Role of Human Resources Introduction One of the strategic roles of human resource management is to promote effective teamwork at the workplace. Organizations bring together employees with different abilities and behaviors. Consequently, the behavioral strengths, as well as, weaknesses of every employee must be identified in order to promote teamwork. A team refers to â€Å"a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role which is understood by other members†.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Role of Human Resources specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Team members are normally interested in specific roles, and they tend to perform most effectively in roles that are natural to them. Thus, a team is likely to be effective if each member clearly understands his role and the roles of other team members. Team roles refer to â€Å"a tendency to behave, contribute and interrelate with others in a particular way†. This pape r focuses on teamwork at the workplace. It begins with a discussion on my Beblin report, followed by a discussion on effective verses ineffective team combinations. My Beblin Report The report shows that am a strong thinking type, with the ability to evaluate options before selecting the best or the right course of action. The report also shows that I have an independent outlook which facilitates generation of new, as well as, original ideas. Consequently, I should be able to excel in solving complex and difficult problems. According to the report, my operating style closely matches the characteristics of a strategic leader. Finally, the report indicates that I lack the characteristics of a practical organizer. In general, the report indicates that my role is that of a monitor evaluator. I agree with the findings of the report since it is not only fair but also accurate. I do agree with report due to the following reasons. To begin with, I believe in fairness and make decisions base d on logic and assessment of alternative options. In order to evaluate all options, I usually take time before making a decision, especially, if the decision affects the lives of others. My goal has always been to make the right decision in every activity I participate in. For instance, when I was in high school, I had the opportunity to lead the school’s football team. As the team leader, I had to ensure teamwork and cooperation among the players in order to enhance the team’s performance. Leading the team required taking a broad view when solving the problems that faced the players and the team in general. In order to identify the team’s problems, I had to logically observe what was going on in the team. By judging each team member’s ability in a fair manner, I was able to select the best players for every tournament.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Lear n More As the chairperson of the science club in high school, I had to help the club members to make the right decisions. Every year, the club members proposed numerous projects to be undertaken by the club. However, only one project had to be selected and undertaken in each year. The real problem was identifying the right project, especially, when most of them qualified for approval. Additionally, the members whose proposals were rejected became disappointed. By focusing on logic and prudence, I was always able to select the best project. However, some club members considered me to be over critical since all my decisions had to be supported by some logical grounds. Additionally, I was criticized for failing to inspire the club members to be passionate about the club’s activities. When Teams Work Best According to Beblin, a team is characterized with nine team roles. These roles include the plant, monitor evaluator, coordinator, resource investigator, implementers, co mpleter finishers, team workers, shapers and specialist. Each of these team roles is important in ensuring the success of the team. Additionally, each of the team roles has strengths and allowable weaknesses. Consequently, the effectiveness of the team is contingent on its composition in terms of the member’s team roles. An effective and an ineffective team composition can be differentiated as follows. Effective Team Composition A team is considered to be effective if its members have the following capabilities. First, there should be effective leadership in the team (Lafasto and Larsen, 2001, p. 67). Effective leadership creates a collaborative climate that facilitates articulation of the team’s challenges. Effective leadership also enables the team members to build confidence in order to achieve the desired results. Finally, effective leadership enables the team to set priorities and to achieve the desired results. Effective leadership can be achieved if the followin g roles are included in the team. The team must have a coordinator who is seen as a person-oriented leader (Fisher and Semple, 2001, pp. 578-588). Thus, the coordinator should be able to listen and accept the views of other team members. However, he should be courageous to reject inappropriate advice. The role of the coordinator is to ensure that the team’s objectives are achieved. The team must also have a resource investigator. Resource investigators are social and enthusiastic individuals who explore resources outside the team. The number of resource investigators should be informed by the resource needs of the team. Finally, there should be team workers. Team workers have good listening skills and are able to cope with awkward people. They help in conflict resolution and encourage team members to use their skills for the benefit of the team.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Strategic Role of Human Resources specifically for you for only $16.05 $ 11/page Learn More Second, an effective team must have problem solving capabilities. In this context, the team members should be able to identify, analyze and find solutions to a problem. Thus, the team should have a plant. The plant is a person with a high IQ and is able to solve challenging problems through original, as well as, creative ideas (Swailes and Bhatty, 2002, pp. 529-536). However, plants tend to have poor communication skills and may also ignore details. Consequently, their role should be complemented by the monitor evaluator. The monitor evaluator has the ability to see the big picture. Additionally, they are able to think critically and develop effective solutions to problems. Finally, problem solving in a team requires a specialist. The specialist has technical skills and knowledge which other members of the team may lack. Specialists are self-starters, dedicated and committed team members. Thus, they can help in solving difficult problems. Third an effective team must have individuals who are ready and able to perform duties or tasks that facilitate achievement of the team’s goals and objectives. In this context, the team should have implementers. Implementers are organized, predictable, disciplined and conscious individuals (Hunter, Fisher and Macrosson, 2002, pp. 14-20). They are also practical, trusting, as well as, tolerant to divergent opinions. Consequently, their role is to transform the ideas and strategies of the group into reality. Since implementers can be slow, they should be supported by completer/ finisher. The completer/ finisher pays attention to detail and sees everything through to the end. They ensure that everything works as planned. However, completer/ finisher tend to worry too much and, thus, they should be supported by a shaper. The shaper is an action-oriented person who challenges or motivates the team members to move forward. While all team roles are important for the success of the team, the roles must be included in the team in a balanced manner. The balance will enable the team to benefit from the strengths of its members and to minimize the weaknesses of its members (Tanco, Jaca and Viles, 2010, pp. 598-610). The best balance can be achieved by including one coordinator or shaper to lead the team. There should be at least one plant to stimulate new ideas for the team. The team should also have one monitor to ensure honesty and clarity. Finally, the team should have many team workers, implementers, as well as, resource investigators. Similarly, there should be one or more completer finisher to ensure the team’s activities are done. Failure to ensure a balance in the team’s composition leads to inefficiencies in the team. Ineffective Team Composition A team is considered to be ineffective if its members can not solve the problems facing the team. Additionally, the team will be ineffective if it lacks sound leadership and the members are not able to transf orm the team’s ideas into reality. Poor composition leads to ineffectiveness in the team in the following ways.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More To begin with, a team with many coordinators may fail to pursue a clear strategy (Park, Henkin and Egley, 2005, pp. 462-479). This is because each leader may have preference for a particular strategy, thereby causing disagreements among the leaders. A team with no coordinator, on the other hand, may lack the focus that is necessary for goal achievement. Failure to include a resource investigator can undermine the performance of the team. A team may not always raise all the resources that it requires to achieve its objectives. Thus, it must have a person who is ready and able to liaise with non-team members in order to access external resources (Castka, Bamber and Shap, 2003, pp. 149-170). A team that is dominated by team workers can also face serious leadership challenges. Team workers are normally indecisive, especially, during crisis moments. Additionally, they are hesitant to do things that might hurt some team members. Consequently, team workers can not be trusted with decision making, especially, if the decision to be made is likely to hurt some team members. Every team requires excellent ideas for it to achieve its mandate. Thus, a team without a plant will face difficulties in developing the ideas or strategies to be pursued by the members (Richard and Stanton, 1999, pp. 652-665). However, having too many plants is detrimental to the team’s success. Bad ideas are likely to emerge if too many plants are allowed into the team. Such bad ideas can conceal the good ones, thereby causing failure in the team. A team with no shaper can also face challenges in achieving its targets, even if it has good ideas. Generally, team members need some one to inspire them to work hard. Such inspirations improve the team’s morale and enhance goal achievement. Thus, without a shaper, the team might lack the drive and direction to achieve its targets and deadlines. Similarly, having too many shapers in the team limits the team’s chances of success (Hemph ill and Macrosson, 2001, pp. 355-364). This is because in-fighting is likely to emerge in the team as each shaper tries to push other team members to achieve their targets. Additionally, shapers can be insensitive to other members of the team. In such circumstances, a team with too many shapers will lack cohesion and trust. Finally, the decisions or choices made by the team are likely to be wrong if there is no monitor/ evaluator to critically assess all available options. However, having too many monitor/ evaluators can slow down the decision-making process since the evaluators might find it difficult to reach a consensus on issues. Conclusion Beblin team roles help organizations to identify the behavioral strengths, as well as, weaknesses of their employees. Beblin team roles assessment model enables organizations to establish effective working relationships and to build high-performing teams. Thus, the role of each member should be known to all team members. According to Beblin, all the nine team roles are important in promoting the effectiveness of the team (Hemphill and Macrosson, 2001, pp. 355-364). However, the nine roles must be included in the team in a balanced manner. Balancing the roles enhances the effectiveness of the team by enabling the members to take advantage of their strengths and to minimize their weaknesses. References Beblin, M., 2010. Management Roles at Work. Butterworth-Heinemann: London. Bessler, G., 2007. Human Resource Management. New York: John Wiley and Sons. Bonham, C. (2009). Teamwork. New York: Cengage Learning. Castka, P., Bamber, C., and Shap, J., 2003. Measuring Teamwork Culture: the use of a Modified EFQM. Journal of Management Development, 22(2), pp. 149-170. Fisher, S., and Semple, J., 2001. Control and Beblins Team Roles. Personnel Review, 30(5), pp. 578-588. Hemphill, D., and Macrosson, W., 2001. Machiavellianism in Beblin Team Roles. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 16(5), pp. 355-364. Hunter, T., Fisher, S., and Mac rosson, W., 2002. Beblins Team Role Theory: For Managers also? Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(1), pp. 14-20. Ivancevich, J., 2006. Human Resource Management. New York: McGraw-Hill. Lafasto, F., and Larsen, C., 2001. When Teams Work Best. New York: Sage Publications. Lantz, A., 2011. Teamwork on the Line Company off Down the Line. Journal of Workplace Learning, 23(2), pp. 75-96. Park, S., Henkin, A., and Egley, R., 2005. Teacher Team Commitment, Teamwork and Trust: Exploring Associations. Journal of Educational Administration, 43(5), pp. 462-479. Richard, J., and Stanton, N., 1999. Testing Beblins Team Role Theory of Effective Groups. Journal of Management Development, 18(8), pp. 652-665. Swailes, S., and Bhatty, T., 2002. The Beblin Team Role Inventory. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 17(6), pp. 529-536. Tanco, M., Jaca, C., and Viles, E., 2010. Healthcare Teamwork Best Practice: Lessons for Industry. TQM Journal, 23(6), pp. 598-610. West, M., 2012. Effective Teamwork. New Y ork: Routledge.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Music Copyright Laws Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Music Copyright Laws - Research Paper Example Many musicians write their own music. The music that is written is then transformed into a song. The song that is created is owned by the artist that created the song. ( Bouvier) Since the artist owns the song, the artist can determine who can hear it and produce it. This is like anything that someone owns. If something is owned by someone, they can decide whether or not to share it. It should never be up to someone who is not the owner to share the item. A copyright â€Å"is an exclusive control of a book, picture, etc.† (Dicionary2010) This control is enforced by a law. This law is known as a music copyright law. A music copyright law can protect the creator of the music. In 1976, a copyright act was put into effect to protect the composer of the music. (Standler2008-2009) The composer is given full rights to his or her music. This type of music copyright applies to copyrights for sheet music. There are different types of copyrights for music such as sound recording. Any typ e of work, even if the work is not music, needs to be copyrighted to help ensure proper ownership and proper usage of the work. It is important that each of the music copyright laws is in affect to help protect the owner of the music. The music copyright law can be located under title number 17 in the United States Code. The title is issued by the United States Copyright Office. ... There are five very specific things that one shall never do when a piece of music is under copyright. Music that is under copyright should never be reproduced of its music or any of its lyrics. The music’s or the lyrics can’t be sold for any amount of money even if it’s free. The music can’t be performed by another artist in a public setting. The music is not even allowed to be played in public even if the one playing the music owns a copy of the music. Finally, the music can’t be made for a public use in any form. These strict guidelines are important for protecting music. All types of copyrights are issued throughout the Unites States. No copyrights can be issued unless they are issue by the United States copyright office. This office allows those seeking a copyright to access the necessary help. The copyright office is important for those wanting to obtain a copyright for music. The copyright office started in 1870. (Unites States Copyright Offic e 2010) The start of the copyright office was a huge step for those with a creative mind. Before the copyright office, work could be stolen. Works stolen could be used by the wrong person and the wrong person would receive credit for the work. Stealing ones music is not just about stealing the music and making money. Stealing and using the music unlawfully takes credit away from the artist that rightfully deserves the credit. It was important for the copyright office to allow individuals a place where there music could be made their own. An example of how a copyright office is used by a musician is simple. A musician can bring a piece of work to the United States Copyright Office. At the office, the musician can register the music and apply for a copyright. The copyright is then kept in the office library